Well another birthday enjoyed and a another target met! We went to E.Sussex for a couple of days away. We visited Bodiam Castle – beautiful, Battle Abbey – a pleasant surprise, and Sedlescombe Vineyard where we purchased a few bottles of organic English wine. We also bought some famous Battle bangers!
We now have Sally the Sat Nav to guide us on our journeys. She speaks very gently and makes a happy sound to inform Alan when he needs to slow down. This works so much better than me shouting ‘Alan slow down’! But Sally does sometimes get it wrong like ‘continue forward’ when all you can see is a brick wall! The best bit is ‘Make a U-turn when convenient’. We had a couple of those instructions on our way home from Sussex to Kent and we found ourselves on a long, narrow country lanes which twisted and turned and we appeared to be in the middle of nowhere but we caught up with ourselves after a few miles and back on the route we recognised.
That made me think that life is a bit like that journey. You are tootling along quite nicely doing OK then suddenly out of the blue something happens that knocks you off course and that can be very confusing and frightening. But given time and corrective treatment you can eventually get back on track. Well I am about to embark on one of those ‘not quite sure where this will lead’ kind of journeys as I prepare myself for the next round of chemo and the drug trial. I feel positive that Alan and I will get to end of that particular journey safely albeit with a few wobbles along the way.
As much as I love Sally I wish she would say ‘roundabout’ properly – she says it as if it is two words with the emphasis on ‘about’ .
Thanks for popping by today. Tess x