Monday, 23 July 2012

Getting there

Well it is now 2 weeks since surgery and I have been home for 1 week. The op went well in as much as 5 litres of fluid were removed from the left pleural space and a Pleurx drainage catheter fitted. My left lung could not be re-inflated as we expected so a pleurodesis was not possible. I am feeling stronger each day although still very weak but my breathing is so much better and as bonus I can yawn again!

I have wonderful nurses that come in daily to deal with the catheter and drainage. Hopefully their visits will be every other day quite soon and then the plan is for me and Alan to do it ourselves! Could be a bit like 'Carry on Nurse'

I no longer need additional oxygen and I can manage our stairs albeit slowly. If you know my stairs you will understand why I refer to them as climbing Mount Everest! I am very upset about my weight loss as I had been so good at maintaining body weight but I try to console myself with the fact that at least 6kgs must be due to removed fluid if 1 liter = 1 kg and then 8 days of not eating while in hospital must account for a few more kgs. Now that Masterchef Al is back in charge I hope the weight will start to return.

Thank you to all that have visited, sent flowers, cards, jokes, messages, emails, phone calls and even a big yummy home made fruit cake from Yorkshire! 

I have a check up with the surgeon on Wednesday. She will see me in Canterbury so I won't have to travel up to London. The team at Guys were fantastic - I am grateful to them all. Amanda I met Ollie - what an amazing guy! xxx

PS I have had to withdraw from the 200m sprint in the Olympics!


  1. Shame about the sprint - I thought that was you in training at the top of this post. Really glad you are feeling so much better and able to do more as time goes by. Hope you manage to gain some weight soon - if not we could arrange a transplant and you could have some of mine - I've got plenty to spare.
    Love and hugs
    Beryl xx

  2. Aw! Bless you Tess, you and i both have dropped from the Olympics, thought i'd give em a
    Give yourself a chance to get your strength back. Love and positive vibes as always
    Hugs jennie J

  3. So glad you are feeling stronger, Tess. Enjoy your lovely prepared Alan meals and I hope you get as fat as the rest of us very soon!

    Janet xx

  4. Happy Anniversary Tess and Alan, another trophy deserved.
    Love conquers all
    Hugs jennie j

  5. HI Tess,
    so glad it went well have been anxiously awaiting your blog update. So good you got Ollie as well, we thought Guy's were brilliant and their followup care has also been first class. Can't praise the NHS enough hen they get it this right. Ray lost weight in hospital as well but he managed to regain it when he got back home ( I unfortunately gained it at a similar rate and I hadn't lost any to start with).bet Alan is so glad you are home.
    Wishing you all the best
    ( and not doubt Usain Bolt has heaved a sigh of relief)
