Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Statistics and a Snowman

Things have moved on a bit here and Mr Nasty is progressing once more. Both my oncologist and the 'big man' at Barts think the time is right to give it another zap. So I am starting a 3rd regime of chemo a.s.a.p. I have already started on the premeds and once the blood tests have been done I will get a starting date. There is a chance the chemo will slow down the cancer growth for another short while so I have to take that chance – the alternative doesn’t really appeal! 
The real problem is that statistically I am on the ‘tail’ end of the survival graph and there is no set treatment/procedure for us peeps that survive longer than most. I am grateful to Linda for reminding me of the essay ‘The Median isn’t the Message by Stephen Jay Gould. I have read this before but it helped me to read it again. Just hoping this tail is very, very l  o  n  g.

Meanwhile like most if the country we have been  contending with weather. I love the snow but not the cold penetrating winds that have accompanied it. Always looking for photo opportunities Alan ventured out into the garden:

I also want to show the ‘Tunbridge Wells Snowman'. I think maybe Ethan had a bit of help with this!
Ethan's snowman in his garden
 Tess x


  1. Hi Tess, sending you love, hugs and positive vibes. Statistics don't take into account your positive attitude and determination - you can't always explain everything with science. I hope the new treatment doesn't cause too many side effects
    Gorgeous photos and I love Ethan's snowman
    Claire xx

  2. Claire's right. The main fight back is coming from you - I admire your strength and tenacity. The next round of chemo will be hard - I don't know if it's better or worse knowing what it entails but I know you will get through it in your usual determined style.Your garden looks lovely but I think we'd all like to see our gardens green again - and Ethan looks like he's enjoying doing the finishing touches.
    Love and hugs
    Beryl xx

  3. Hi Tess,
    good luck with the chemo. I always remember that the first thing Barts said when we saw them two weeks after his 3 months to live , 1 year if you are very lucky, diagnosis from Ray's local hospital was don't pay any attention to the statistics. Everyone is different.
    Here's to us all making that tail very, very, long.
