Saturday, 22 February 2014

Dates sorted

Having made the decision to have more chemo I just want to get on with it now. I am not the most patient patient as Alan will confirm. I have had my kidney function test which was over 5 hours, tedious in the extreme but had to be done. I have a series of blood tests, a B12 injection and a prechemo chat next Thursday 27th and if all is OK I will start Regime 4 Cycle 1 chemo on 6th March.
2 cycles will take me to mid April when I will have a scan and we will take it from there

Spring seems to have sprung this week. The daffodils are in full bloom. crocuses and hellebores too. Alan has been out gardening between showers this week. He harvested a load of beetroots and they are ginormous! So we hastily searched for beetroot recipes and he made a beetroot and chick pea soup. Personally I didn’t like this, too thin and onions too chunky – he will do better next time! I am getting very fussy with food these days so it is a challenge for my masterchef but I like to keep him on his toes. He is threatening beetroot tzatziki today (a tasty pink dip)!
Beetroot tzatziki
Update. Tzatziki is delicious! The boy did good!

I used to wonder about the mentality of people who drove down to the car park on the prom and then stayed in their cars. I wonder no more as I have become one of those people! I now get very breathless in the wind and find it difficult to walk along the prom when it is breezy. So in the car we stayed and we watched cruise liners making their way in and out of Tilbury, we counted wind farms out at sea which seem to be multiplying weekly and we watched the birds, all very relaxing.

I have bought a few more pieces for the doll’s house so hope to restart work on that very soon. My crafting mojo seems to have gone awol recently but I need to push myself to finish all these projects.

There is lots going on which will be of benefit to mesothelioma suffers in the future. Thanks to Linda Wride for allowing me to link to her blog here. Fellow mesowarrior and friend Mavis will be present on Monday at the House of Lords for the presentation of the Saatchi Bill. Thank you Mavis. As usual my thoughts and prayers go to meso sufferers and their carers around the world.

Tess x


  1. I know you can't wait to 'get on with it' Tess and I hope all goes well for. I used to have a recipe for beetroot cake. A bit like carrot cake but it's a chocolate cake. Then you use the beetrot to colour the icing (optional but very pretty when you think of the colour combo.) It was from a Holland and Barrett magazine but I'm sure you could Google it.
    Beryl xx

  2. as always tess, my heart is with you, well done alan with the cooking
    jennie j
