Tuesday, 30 October 2012

63 not out!

Well it has been a funny old week weatherwise - we've had it all, dense fog, sunshine, rain, hailstones, snow, warm temperatures, cold (near freezing) temperatures. What is going on?

Have been out to lunch a fair bit! We had 'rent-a-crowd' to visit. Our friends from Enfield took us out for lunch at the restaurant at Minnis Bay. This was on one of the warm sunny days so we were able to walk on the beach. Lovely to see you Ray, Jacky, Bernard and Harry and thanks for the goodies.

The beach at Minnis Bay
I celebrated my 63rd birthday on Saturday - another target met. I was again taken out to lunch - this time to The Olive Tree in Canterbury - Lebanese cuisine. It was lovely to see Jon, Gaby, Berni & Norma and of course my little man Ethan. Alan has bought a new Smart phone but he had difficulty taking any decent photos so unfortunately I only have one to show.
My house is looking a bit like a flower shop. I had some lovely flowers from 'rent-a-crowd' and a couple of gorgeous bouquets. My granddaughter is such a clever child - organised this all on her own!

Finally more friends visiting from London yesterday. Tony & Roz met us in Canterbury and this time we went to Deesons - a British restaurant! The day was glorious sunshine so we were able to walk in the park before lunch. Thanks guys - lovely to see you both.

So that's it for this week. Just a ham sandwich for lunch today.

On the Meso front - just have a read of this. What a total ignorant prat this guy is. ALL ASBESTOS IS POTENTIALLY LETHAL.



  1. Mr Helmer probably denies the holocaust also. Prat indeed.
    On the other hand - glad you've had a good and positive week.
    Beryl xx

  2. Its a bit of a worry that such an idiot can be in an influential position like that isn't it?
    Glad you've had such a lovely week Tess, sounds like a lot of fun
    Claire xx

  3. Glad you had a super birthday and a positive week Tess. Your photo's are super and just look at that beautiful BLUE sky. The sun was shining on you as always.
    Love and hugs
    Christine xx

  4. Ignorance really any excuse for this UKIP eurocrat, just makes you realise all the more the importance of the work all the meso warriers such as Mavis and Debbie do to publicise the true impact of asbestos.

    Prat is avery kind word - I can think of some more, less kind , versions

    Good to know you have had such a great time though and happy birthday
