Sunday, 14 October 2012

Food For Thought

I was given some interesting figures this week by my oncologist. They have been analysing data relating to mesothelioma patients diagnosed with the disease between 2010 and 2012 in my health authority.
In this time 170 new patients have been diagnosed with pleural meso ( a rare disease????)
Between 40%-60% received  first line chemo and it only worked for approx 25% of these patients.
Of those getting through first line treatment only 17 patients went on to  receive 2ndline chemo. They have no figures beyond this. Patients may not get to first line chemo because: they are diagnosed too late for treatment; are too unwell to receive treatment; choose not to have chemotherapy treatment; or sadly die before ever getting to the referral stage.

So I am one of those 17 who have experienced two chemo regimes – quite a sobering thought and something to ponder on. The total survival rate will be higher as these figures are only for those who received chemo. I am so lucky to still be here and if there were any lingering doubts about the power of positive thinking and the love and support of family and friends  I doubt no more.

On a lighter note Alan has been doing very well with growing veggies this year. Yesterday he dug up another couple of potato plants and there were some beauties!

If you think the spuds are impressive you would be amazed at his carrots! The pear tree is collapsing under the weight of fruit - its been a very good year. We saw our first squirrel down here this week and it was looking for food to dig up. Alan's culinary offerings continue to help maintain my increase in weight - little by little.

I have been very creative this week – my crafting mojo that has been AWOL for some time has returned. I am making 2 Christmas stockings for the Grandies. Not just any old stockings but appliquéd with beads, sequins and embroidery and of course embellished with their names (thank goodness only 5 letters each). I will take photos when they are finished. 

We had a good meal in the Crown Inn  in Sarre. The only other pub in the village has closed and it was such a shame to see this pub so empty on a Thursday evening. A sign of the times I guess.

Just back from a brisk walk along the prom. We watched the beach huts being removed  and taken into storage until next year – winter has officially arrived!
 Tess x


  1. Hi Tess, those stats are really shocking but as you say you're proof of how positive thinking can complement traditional medicine.
    Those pics are amazing, it just goes to show what a creative family you are lol. Looking forward to seeing those stockings (and the carrots lol)
    love and hugs to you and Alan

  2. We all new you were a fighter Tess and this (I'm sure) is why you are here to publish these figures. Love Alan's veggie 'family' - would love to know if you felt a tad cruel cutting them up and boiling them. The Christmas stockings sounds amazing. You put my grandparenting skills to shame.
    Beryl xx

  3. Tess I hope you continue to be one of the few, if spirit and determination are anything to go by then you have it in spades.

    I can imagine how much of a sobering thought it was getting those stats.
    Love the humour in the scrapbook page and those spuds are amazing, looking forward to seeing your handiwork once the stockings are complete.
    Jenny xx
