Monday, 1 October 2012

Flu jab and keeping calm

This week I had an appt with my thoracic surgeon to check on the drain.  The x-ray was good – no change in the last 6 weeks. To my surprise my weight was exactly the same as 6 weeks ago – I thought I had lost weight again but clearly Alan’s cooking and extra calories from chocolate and jelly babies are doing the job. 

This consultant really knows her stuff but she has a very forthright manner and does not mince her words – she said 'I recommend you have a flu jab because if you got flu it would most likely kill you'.  Needless to say my flu jab appointment has been booked! She does not want to see me again for 3 months (Jan 2013) !! 

While we were in Canterbury we had lunch in The Olive Grove where Alan and I shared a Mezze. I then did some shopping – glad I am getting back into that now.

I had a reflexology session mid-week – need to keep calm if I am to carry on!

Friday was a quiet day so we went to lunch at the Ambrette. Always good and a lovely way to spend a couple of hours.

Congratulations to our friends  Jacky and Bernard on the arrival of their second granddaughter this week. Great news. Welcome to baby Honor Janine.

Congratulations to Danielle and Brandon on their wedding yesterday in Toronto. Danielle is our daughter-in-law's sister. Our granddaughter is too little at 14 months to be a bridesmaid but oh my did she look cute!

So into another week and a few more hospital appts. Tess x


  1. Good to know you are getting out and about Tess - and helping the economy with some retail therapy too.
    Beryl xx

  2. great to see the jelly babies are doing their best - think straight talking may be a trait of female consultants. I remember just before Ray started his chemo meeting up with a female locum consultant who went through all the possible side effects finishing with and if he gets an infection this will probably end in death!! I cannot tell you are thoroughly i cleaned our house.
    all the best
